Thursday 3 February 2011

Reiki baby cuddles

Lovely visits from little reiki Dylan and his lovely mummy today which was just what I was needing.
He is so lovely and gorgeous and I had such a lovely cuddle with him. Hannah enjoyed him using her changing mat, and sharing his mummy for stories while I had a lovely cuddle - but she was less happy about the crying lol. She better get used to that for future references lol.
I realised that I never actually had chance to blog about meeting him, this being the 3rd occasion.
It was really quite amazing - even when he was six days old he was a chilled out little soul and I felt like i had had a full on reiki treatment after a good hour or so of cuddles. It was so lovely and very emotional too - he really is such a little miracle - a year ago it seemed so impossible that they would get chance - at least not without an attempt at ivf, followed by a suspected ectopic pregnancy - that turned out to be this little gem of a baby.
I also went up just after christmas and took Hannah - she loved seeing him and wanted a cuddle and once again it just felt like being in the prescence of a miracle.

I was thinking today that I could do with a special photo frame for my bubs, for my godbub and for Dylan, the reiki bub. I do think that he is a miracle in himself just by pure fact of all life being a total miracle- but also that he has been sent for a real reason, even bigger than his mummy and daddy being great people who deserved the chance to bring up a child together.
More so because it was so flukey how we got in touch.
Randomly through a discussion on facebook with a friend of mine ( who was infact a friend of Steph's and whom i only got back intouch with after the funeral), miracle-mummy had been asking about reiki - I typed out a reply and as I finished it, I received a private message asking if I could possibly tell her more.. so already done ! I was assuming she lived locally to my friend, a long way from here - which was a shame as I would have loved to give her a treatment - as it happened she actually lived half an hour away from me!!!!  and never the twain shall meet.. as it also happened I was friends with one of her good friends and we had spent nearly every weekend in the same club probably standing next to the bar - and she was the one who told my sister some "interesting" news about an ex back in the day. Way too many scary connections.

It feels so much like a blessing sent from Heaven, the universe, or wherever - that it was meant to be somehow and that we were supposed to connect. Well we already had connections but needed to put the final plug in from the feel of it. namely she needed the reiki - and I needed to connect her up to it and act as the channel. I am not THE reiki itself. I do not "do" the reiki giving, that simply comes from the universe.

So many things came from that connection too.
The day after I gave her the first treatment, I was on my way back from yoga and started planning that I was going to do my nerxt reiki course, that i was going to do my yoga course and that i was going to set up a little business for myself.
And low and behold by the end of the week, I was booked on Reiki 2 course, I had a name, had talked to the right people and was booked on the most amazing yoga course that still had a space - had found myself a lovely mentor who let me come to her classes - and on the night she gave me the info about the yoga also randomly mentioned she had a treatment table she wanted to get rid of..... I got home from yoga on that thursday evening and was somewhat hysterical feeling like I had been given such a massive thumbs up from the universe. It was an amazing but slightly scary feeling - to think if you ask and you look, then you DO get the signs.
It's all snowballed from here and less than a year later I have taught a good deal of yoga and given some amazing treatments - most amazingly the (first) reiki baby is live and kicking and in the world.. and will hopefully sleep well for his mummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also found a lovely friend too which has been even better and unexpected a bonus.

Thank you, Universe....

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